Tecna 2022
  • Tuesday, September 27, 2022
  • 11:00 - 11:20
  • Memo
  • Future Arena- Hall D5
  • Spagnol Marco PhD, Founder di Friuldev S.r.l

Talk by FRIULDEV S.r.l

ProdLogger® is an all-in-one system for tracking automated production, suitable for SMEs that develop single pieces using CNC machines (moulds, individual orders, prototypes). The technology is patented and allows for data to be collected from the tooling machines, then processed and displayed in a web dashboard. With ProdLogger®, companies can automatically cost their production.
For production plants, FRIULDEV SRL develops custom MES systems optimised for the specific production line and that can manage external data and additional sensors, focussing on machine feedback and optimising function. More specifically, experience has been accrued in the development of slabs (marble, insulating materials for construction) and packaging (food).

Speaker: Marco Spagnol, PhD - Founder of Friuldev srl