Online Ticket
Promote your company

By using this APP you can increase your contacts and business opportunities, making your presence at the event even more effective and productive. Start using the APP through these simple steps:

complete your showcase page with all the necessary information (social media profiles, multimedia content like photos and video);
► update the product catalogue, without omitting your new ones;
► include your co-workers in the team
upload the events you will organise during the show and build your diary.


By following these steps, you will have a powerful tool to maximise your visibility and networking opportunities, optimising every moment of your participation in the event.

The digital platform GTI - GreenTech Insights, is enriched with new interesting features: one of these is the section "Jobs" - Green Jobs&Skills, within which each user can enter job applications and job offers.

If you are looking for staff for your company, you can publish your own ad. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Enter the reserved area, open the drop-down menu "GTI - Tecna" and select "Your digital showcase".
  2. Once you enter the platform, click on the "Jobs" - Green Jobs&Skills button.
  3. In the menu on the left click again on "Jobs": now you are ready to publish your ad. Remember that your name and surname appear in the exhibitor profile, so we recommend that you always mention the name of your company and enter an email address to which candidates can send their CV. In the post you can also attach photos and add the link to the open job position.

How to improve your presence on the App

Below you will find some useful information to help you take your first steps in the app.

App Management


You can access the platform directly from the reserved area under Catalogue > Images, products, logos, apps.

To access the app, simply use the same email address and password used to access your reserved area.

When entering your password, you can click on Send me a magic link: you will receive an email to reset your password at the email address you specified.

You can update your profile and all related information (such as name and surname, address, telephone numbers, web, social, merchandise, company description etc.) directly from your reserved area, under Catalogue > Description and company data

You can update your products and all the novelties you will bring to the fair directly from your reserved area, under Catalogue > Images, products, logos, apps.

Before uploading your product images, please check the instructions in the section on the correct weight and format of the files.

You can upload your company logo in your Exhibitor Area under Company Profile > Summary.

To reach the Exhibitor Area from your private area click on Catalogue > Images, products, logos, apps.

Changes can take up to 24 hours to be visible on the digital platform.

Lead Scanner Management


The Lead Scanner is a digital service that enables by scanning, the collection of data that the visitor has entered during registration.

After scanning the visitor's badge, you can add notes, ratings and annotations on the collected lead.

It will then be possible to download all scanned leads in excel format directly from the Exhibitor Area.

  • The Lead Scanner service enables the collection of all data that the visitor has entered during registration. The data that we can guarantee will always be provided are: Name and Surname, Company, E-mail.
  • To enter any extra notes, simply scan the badge correctly, and immediately afterwards a screen will appear where you can enter additional information. The last step is to save the contact with notes, tags, ratings and annotations.

Every visitor, by registering in the reserved area, subscribes to the IEG privacy policy in which the procedure is described whereby, by scanning the qr-code by the exhibitor, their data are transferred to the said exhibitor.

The Lead Scanner only needs to be purchased once. Once purchased, it will be usable by all team members of the exhibitor profile. It is possible to increase the number of team members (i.e. licences).

Team Member Management


The team member is functional for personalised access to the event and the use of all digital content of the event.

The number of team members varies depending on the digital package purchased: an exhibitor with a basic profile is entitled to 2 team members. To add additional members you can purchase in your reserved area, via e-commerce, the product Add Team Member to add 5 user permissions or you can contact your sales representative.

Once you have reached e-commerce, simply follow this path: Marketing and communication services > Boost your digital visibility > Increase your space > DIGITAL PLATFORM: ADD TEAM MEMBER

To delete a team member you can write to specifying the name and e-mail address of the team member.

Don't know how to fill in the exhibitor profile on the app? Want to learn more about sending digital tickets? Watch the webinar down below: