Tecna 2022
  • Thursday, September 29, 2022
  • 14:30 - 17:00
  • Memo
  • Mimosa Hall - Pad B6-D6
  • Leuzzi Fabiola Labour, Welfare and Human Capital Area - Confindustria Rome
  • Cappelletti Ernesto Quadra srl, Regulatory expert for Federmacchine
  • Caramori Giorgio Lawyer in Cassation, De Capoa law firm - Bologna
  • Mastroeni Lorenzo
  • Monica Luigi INAIL, Department of Technological Innovations and Safety of Plants, Products and Anthropic Settlements

By Acimac (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics) and IEG (Italian Exhibition Group)

The congress seeks to present the main innovations that, in light of the texts being discussed, will be contained in the provision set to replace Directive 2006/42/EC both as regards the Essential Safety Requirements and relative to regulatory aspects. It is a provision of great interest both to machine manufacturers and users, insofar as it sets the rules for the conformity of machines, lines and plants released to the market.
The event will involve the Ministry of Economic Development and INAIL, which will provide in-depth information about procedures for the market control and disputes of machine conformity.


Director ACIMAC

The New Machines Regulation: approval procedure, main discussions that have emerged, coming into force, applicability
Fabiola Leuzzi (Labour, Welfare and Human Capital Area - Confindustria Rome)

The New Machines Regulation: main application innovations impacting ceramic machine manufacturers
Ernesto Cappelletti (Quadra srl, Regulatory expert for Federmacchine)

The New Machines Regulation: Reflections and considerations on the role of manufacturer, importers, etc. also in light of Regulation EU 2019/1020
Giorgio Caramori (Lawyer in Cassation, De Capoa law firm - Bologna)

Machine conformity, market surveillance procedures
Lorenzo Mastroeni (Manager Ministry of Economic Development - Directorate General for the market, competition, consumer protection and technical rules)

Examples of technical investigations of machines reported as non-compliant
Luigi Monica (INAIL, Department of Technological Innovations and Safety of Plants, Products and Anthropic Settlements)


Works end